We are sending prayers to those affected by Covid 19. Please Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

Fitness Speed Dating

   Fitness Speed Dating is new and it is HOT among Professionals. 

Find out who is a good match for you: Just in time for the holidays

A new way of dating for those of you who want to match up with
someone who has similar fitness goals:
Matches include: Type of athletic activity, Time of day Chosen to exercise,
Nutrition and eating habits, the rest is up to you, you have 5 minutes with each date:
5 chances to make a date for less than the cost of dinner

Register today for the next fitness speed dating event in your area
Fridays at 7:30 pm & Sundays at 3:30 pm 

Choice the Fitness Speed Date that works with your lifestyle and see your partner in Action:
Each session is 2 hours:

See form below 

Virtual Sessions - April, May and June 2020