We are sending prayers to those affected by Covid 19. Please Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

A Run Through History

Virtual Run Through History - Register Today and complete miles anytime between 6/19 and 7/31/2021

  • Fitness Heights International and Give Black Foundation have partnered to bring you a "Virtual Run through History - 400 Miles from 1619 and the Door of No Return."
  • Get your teams together -everyone is welcome to exercise, learn history and keep each other accountable as we move through history. 
  • Get Ready to join this Run Historical movement! Post pictures of your training, post about our history speakers and historical facts. Post when you run, walk, hike, bike, inside or outside of the house. Use Hashtag #ARunThroughHistory
  • Qualified workouts for your miles are both indoor or outdoor to reach your miles for this journey - Treadmills, indoor/outdoor cycling, running, road biking, swimming and hiking
  • All Finishers will receive the Commemorative 400 Miles - Door of No Return Premium Medal and the 2. Run Through History Dri-Fit Shirt. 

  • Register as an individual or as a team of 2 to 10 people. 

(Click the medal at the bottom of this page to register)

Get your teams together -everyone is welcome to exercise, learn history and keep each other accountable as we move through history. 
Get your teams together -everyone is welcome to exercise, learn history and keep each other accountable as we move through history. 

How do I get started: Register today! The sooner you register, the clock tick and the miles start!

Participation Options- Run/Walk/Cycle/Hike - Register as an Individual or a Team of 2 to 10 people (Click the medal at the bottom of this page to register)

  1. Decide if you will register as an Individual for 4 or 40 Miles or a Team with a goal of 400 Miles
  2. If registering a team, identify a captain to help with keeping everyone accountable and capturing the Miles
  3. Decide how you will track your miles - Track miles via your Garmin, Fitbit, Nike App and/or by posting daily to your Instagram, Facebook or blog and use the hashtag #RTH400 and/or #RunThruHistory #BikeThruHistory #WalkThruHistory #SwimThruHistory #HikeThruHistory
  4. Join our group on the Strava App - where you can upload and track your miles in real-time. Look for Fitness Heights International - Run Through History.

Mail package distribution will be done in multiple deliveries within 30 days of the Close out date for the event. 

Click to Replace
All Registered Participants submit your results and get your Run Through History Swag Bag-Commemorative "400 Miles - Door of No Return" Premium Medal and Run Through History Shirt.

  • Take on the challenge and Run through History with this Historical Race - Checklist of what you get with this deal:
  • Guest History Speakers will take you through History details will be announced each month to registered participants.
  • A Word from Give Black Foundation - Traveling to Ghana and what they learned along this journey, plus information on a 2021 Trip
  • Monthly historical Facts are emailed to each registered participant: Learn about Robert Smalls, Shirley Chisholm, Martin Luther King, etc.
  • Travel groups Speak out -why they recommend Ghana, Tanzania, Senegal and more.
  • Global Athletes Talk - Hear about their journey and experiences that will enlighten you plus they will give tips on their plans to make it through this journey. We will hear from local runners, walkers, hikers, bikers, swimmers - all qualify exercise to get you and/or your team through the 400 Miles Journey

(Click the medal at the bottom of this page to register)